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Uninstall F1 GTN Units from Beaver [Closed]

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 5:18 am
by Howellerman
I recently purchased and installed the Flight1 GTN package, and based upon my initial enthusiasm I installed it in every (40+) aircraft in the hanger.

However, I have concluded that the Flight1 GTN750 is inappropriate for the MilViz DHC-2 Beaver. The reasons are:

1 - It does not recognize any water parks, period. I cannot configure a flight plan between water parks, not to mention waypoints.
2 - It is massive technological overkill (IMHO) for the expected use of the Beaver.

Anyway, I used MVAMS to configure back to the default 530/430, but guess what? I still have a GTN unit. How do I get rid of the GTN?


Re: Uninstall F1 GTN Units from Beaver

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:35 am
by Howellerman

Had to go back into the individual panel.cfg files and remove the modified Flight1 versions. Works just fine now.