Updating v1.1 to v1.2 - lessons learned

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Updating v1.1 to v1.2 - lessons learned

Post by ChuckOman » Sat Nov 14, 2020 3:30 pm

Did an upgrade from v1.1 to v1.2 this week.
Running well in P3D4.5 now...but it took me several tries.
Some lessons I learned:

- Uninstall 1.1 via Win10 control panel or Orbx Central, and then verify that MV_King_Air_350i folder was actually removed from (root)\SimObjects\Airplanes, and in (root)\Milviz, suggest deleting all but the MVAMS folder. The 1.2 installer replaces everything. (Till I fully cleaned up after my v1.1 uninstall, I had radar CTDs, and Navigraph Charts wouldn't link properly).

- Turn off your antivirus and be sure to run the v1.2 installer with administrator privileges. I accepted the v1.2 installer options to update AccessDB, Reallight, and TrueGlass and chose MVAMS "Repair" options. My v1.1 MVAMS axis calibrations, etc. were not lost.

- The v1.2 P3D4&5 installer provides option to install in either or both sims, but it only shows for 1-2 seconds. My reflexes just weren't fast enough to read and respond. But no worries - you can always delete what you don't want manually later. If you decide to try P3D5 lores textures, choose custom install and click on the high res option and deselect. I haven't seen a large effect on my 2080Ti/12GB GPU memory use (5.5 down to 5GB), tho your mileage might vary.

- Never use the MFD ADV knob to move the MFD Chart Index cursor. when selecting Navigraph charts Instead, always use the CCP joystick arrow keys when selecting charts from the Index and subsidiary lists. (The MFD ADV knob works well for MFD TXT. Problem is that it will also move the cursor on the Chart Index pages. As an innocent I initially tried to use it for chart selection till I discovered that hangs the chart selection logic.)

- To fully populate the MFD Chart Index selection options, enter your complete FPLN first. Select Navigraph charts from the Index only as you need them - if you select and later need to change, selecting the same line in the index just brings up your earlier selection. Instead select a new ANY CHART line, enter, and choose from the list.

- There are convenient mouse hidden hotspots for CCP and MCDU on the blank panel area above the MFD and TAWS inhibits - so if you are short of joystick buttons you don't necessarily have to program them.

Hope others will add corrections or additional suggestions...

Chuck O

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Re: Updating v1.1 to v1.2 - lessons learned

Post by Slayer » Sun Nov 15, 2020 11:01 am

Good list and pretty much standard procedure if you are using betas. Admin , Antivirus etc have always caused issues for people since FSX / Windows Vista times.

Strange the installer shouldn't proceed past the selection screen where you choose which features to install until you click "next" if you have both sims and only want it in one your only option is to always choose a custom install and select "this feature will not be installed" for the sim that you don't want.

The XML tools install etc is set by the main installer and not meant to be clicked on during the install. If you have remnants of an old sim or decided you didn't like V5 and removed it sometimes our installer will detect the old sim because the registry entries are still present (improper/corrupted/incomplete install etc) in any case yes you can manually remove the directories for the version you no longer have without any ill effects.


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