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Aircraft turning in wrong direction with engine shutdown in flight

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:47 pm
by apmech
When in flight, shutting one engine down, your aircraft turns in the wrong direction. For example, if I shut down the left engine and feather it, the aircraft should turn into the dead engine—it does not. The C-310 turns to the right instead of the left. Just Flight's Duchess does the same; their response was they are working on it. This is by far the most important aspect of flying a twin. Knowing how to control the aircraft when you lose an engine is critical.
Thanks, Pat

Disregard the above Post, the problem is at my end.

Re: Aircraft turning in wrong direction with engine shutdown in flight

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:35 pm
by Stew
With respect, I don't see this happening as you describe it. Shutting down the left engine results in the left wing dipping down, resulting in the airplane banking to the left. Also, the nose definitely starts to yaw to the left, towards the dead engine, and requires moderate right rudder to correct. The plane performs in the opposite manner when the right engine is shut down as well.

I would be interested in other observations by others who have tried this one engine out scenario.
